Attention to those in the New York area:
אי״ה There will be a public rally in front of the Israeli Consulate in Manhattan, 800 2nd Avenue, bet. 42 & 43, this coming Thursday, July 6th / 10th of Tammuz.
The grassroots rally will be held in order to protest
- The latest suicidal convergence/realignment plans.
- The Israel Consul's anti-democratic and anti-Jewish comments that USJewry must keep silent in the face of Israeli capitulation to terror.
- The alarming severe erosion of civil liberties in Israel.
With music from Jewish Rock Band Eden ( http://www.edenmusic.net/ )
- Dov Hikind- NY Assemblyman
- Rabbi David Algaze - Havurat Yisrael Congregation, Forest Hills, Queens
- Miriam Arman - Crown Heights resident
- Shmuel Sackett- International Director of Manhigut Yehudit (www.jewishisrael.org)
- Shlomo Wallins - Journalist covering the expulsions (www.israelreporter.com)
- Helen Freedman – Member of the Board, Americans For a Safe Israel ( http://www.afsi.org/)
For details, donations, and further information, call Daniel Tauber at (917) 497-7358 • daniel@lmaantzion.org
Event organized by Lmaan Tzion (www.lmaantzion.org)
This rally will cause us more harm then good.
Each these people go ahead and do this they only cause chilul hashem which hurts us.
What purpose could there be in displaying jewish disunity loud and clear for the world to see? it accomplishes nothing good.
What purpose can there be in letting Jewish people get kicked out of their homes and their lives destroyed? What good does that accomplish?
We have a Torah precept:
"לֹא תִהְיֶה אַחֲרֵי-רַבִּים לְרָעֹת
Do not follow the crowd in doing wrong"
(Shemot / Exodus 23:2)
Yes, we Jews should stick together. But that does not imply that we are required to be foolish and follow a dstructive rasha whose aim is, precisely, to send Jew to fight against Jew for the benefit of the mortal enemies of the Jewish people.
Ehud Olmert, and the entire Kadimah party, don't stand on any principles, on any moral, and most certainly not on the G-d-given Torah of the Jewish people. Even as the Israeli army has to confront today the terrible consequences of having abandoned the Gaza strip into the hands of enemies sworn to our destruction, Olmert insists on his plan to further the enemy's territory within the borders of our land, and multiply the disaster of the Gush Katif refugee debacle by a ten-fold, rendering mass amounts of Jewish residents of Judeah and Samaria homeless.
Under the present circumstances, keeping silent is about the last thing we can do. Every follower of Nachshon ben Aminadav must be present on Thursday, even if for only a few minutes, to make it clear to the Consulate that the Jews of America will NOT keep silent before Mr. Olmert's criminal plans.
"Yes, we Jews should stick together. But that does not imply that we are required to be foolish and follow a dstructive rasha whose aim is, precisely, to send Jew to fight against Jew for the benefit of the mortal enemies of the Jewish people."
That does nto mean you get up in front of the city and the tv cameras and tel the world how much you hate another jew so all they think is that jews hate each other. that doesnt help usone bit. the rally wont change israli policcy and all it will do is serve to make us collectively look bad and give more fodder to the enemy
Please take notice:
Anti-Olmert slogans are in Hebrew.
My message in English is a positive one. It is about the land of Israel, and what we are asking to be done about it.
... furthermore, Arutz Sheva announced today that the aims of the rally are:
1) To show support for Israel's current Gaza invasion.
2) To pray for the safe return of captured Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit.
3) To protest further suicidal Israeli withdrawals that only serve to embolden terrorists and endanger Jewish lives.
4) To show that American Jewry stands with their Israeli brethren as they stand up for their G-d-given rights and G-d-given land.
So, show you face there tomorrow.
"Anti-Olmert slogans are in Hebrew."
"3) To protest further suicidal Israeli withdrawals that only serve to embolden terrorists and endanger Jewish lives.
4) To show that American Jewry stands with their Israeli brethren as they stand up for their G-d-given rights and G-d-given land."
Dov hikind will get up with his big megaphone and scream "shame on you ehud olmert shame on you"
and all the world will hear in a time of crisis that a jew gets up and goes against another jew.
thats not helpful
yes i am in favor of demonstrating for all those things but it will come along packaged with somethings that are utterly embarassing and counter productive.
A non-Jew will be proud of Jews taking a stand against Jewish expulsions because the terrorists that are emboldened by jewish expulsions also seek to destroy the rest of western civilization.
A Jew doesn't just "stand together" when a rasha commits evil.
Back to where we started.
לֹא תִהְיֶה אַחֲרֵי-רַבִּים לְרָעֹת
We stand against Olmert's evil. Period. Talk to him about Jewish unity -- his actions, not ours, are leading to Civil War.
"A Jew doesn't just "stand together" when a rasha commits evil. "
Who is a rasha?
Sharon? Olmert? Hikind?
Why would Hikind be a rasha?
This string of comments is absolutely amazing. I've been trying to compose a real communication to you, but it seems that the changing times are changing more rapidly with each passing moment.
For this moment, the argument that ALL Jews are one is so off the mark I can't see how anyone in his/her right mind could say it without choking.
Dayenu, Rafael, but it never was.
Oh well. Jewish unity doesn't mean we should all join the lemmings and jump off the cliff with them.
Jewish unity, in Torah terms, means following the path of Nachshon ben Aminadav and Pinchas ben Eleazar ben Aharon HaKohen: Stand for what's right, the Jewish nation will turn around and follow!
Give it to them Raphael!
Yoni, is that you?
Rafael, unity must have one spirit, one heart, and one G-d. There is right and there is wrong. I agree with you. We do not follow the rasha off the cliff, but my goodness, they DO push us ever closer to the edge. We do well to be proud and strong and unified, for only in that way can we push back. We WILL perservere.
Am Yisrael Chai!
Be well.
Shalom amigos.
Soy Daniel de Herut. Otra vez estos hijos de puta hijos de Alá me han pirateado el blog, esta vez tenía contraseña y nombre de alta seguridad. Me costará más arrancar por tercera vez pero ya os informaré de mi nueva dirección. Mi correo electrónico también está anulado. ¿Alguien me puede decir porqué sólo mi blog?.
Un abrazo a todos.
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