On May, 2006, Mr. Olmert came to speak before the United States Congress in order to ask for approximately $10,000,000,000 in loan guarantees to implement his plans to force Jews off their land in Judea and
Despite fear from main-stream Jewish organizations, a grass roots effort produced a protest demonstration against the new deportation/ethnic cleansing scheme of
The message was clear: we are not against
Major Jewish organizations boycotted the rally. Particularly noticeable was the Orthodox Union’s expressed opposition to the right of American Jews to ask their elected officials NOT to support the Convergence Plan.
At the end, Olmert left the
The Rally took place at the United States Capitol,
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Also visit Bnai Elim’s Website: http://www.bnaielim.org
Buses filled with participants came from various locations in

I was interviewed by Arutz Sheva the morning of the rally. Click here for the interview.
just like the anti -disengagement protests last year in new york city and washington, all that will result from this is unnecessary chilul hashem.
if you dont learn form your mistakes, you are doomed to repeat it.
all the money thrown away last year on organge toilet paper could have gone to helping the evacuees now.
Dear Anonymous:
Point taken! We're not going to Washington to waste time trying to persuade Olmert to do teshuvah. We're going to Washington to ask the senators and congressmen of the Unites States to NOT grant the loan guarantees that would allow the new disgengagement to take place. We're aiming to hit Olmert where it hurts: in his pockets!
Pressure is also been placed upon the political whores of the Shas party who, knowing that their spiritual leader announced that joining into the Kadima government was a sure ticket to Gehinnom, when ahead and did it anyway. If they do teshuvah and quit the coallition, the government will fall. So help us G-d!
and then what???
Then continue being outspoken and educational about Shleimus Haaretz. That, of course, goes together with a general campaing for the awakening of the dormant Jewish sould in each and every Jew.
We're focusing now on Shleimus Haaretz simply because of the urgency and vital importance of the matter. But the necessary changes cover much more than just that.
BTW, don't be afraid to show your face here. I don't bite. :)
Ill be at the rally
The Rally will take place at the United States Capitol, Taft Park. Twelve O'Clock Noon on May 23rd, 2006.
Jonathon Silverman said on a radio show that Olmert threatened to expell 20,000 Jews immidiately if he loses funding. Do you have a source for this that I can reference this to on air?
I was told Olmert said that when interviewed by Maariv and Yediot Acharonot. I have not seen either paper.
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